Easily copy an object in PowerPoint or Word
Updated: May 20, 2021
Written by: Sarah Bailey | Professional PowerPoint Design | PowerPoint Design Specialist | PPT Solutions | Creative PPT design
There are numerous ways in which to copy an object (such as an image, text box or shape) in PowerPoint and I think this little shortcut may just be the simplest option if you want to keep the alignment with other objects at the same time.
This nifty little tip will save time and effort when copying and aligning objects. It’s a lifesaver for any presentation designer or course developer who needs to make multiple copies of objects on a slide.
Click on the object you wish to copy
Hold down the Control & Shift keys on the computer keyboard
With your mouse, drag the object to the desired location
Hey presto! you now have a copied object that stays on the same vertical/horizonal plane enabling precision alignment

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